Teach a man to Fish, and feed him for life, He might as well fish in style if he is doing it for Life!
Emde Custom Fly Rods is a small family run business, that was started when with a dream. and then when the opportunity came, we just started running. The idea was something in the mind of Mark Emde the founder since childhood. Growing up with very little money, he always found a way to learn to make what he could often never afford to buy. Then growing up, and joining the US Army in 1988, still with very little money to support his wife and himself, he always found a way to "Make" what was needed. Many years since, and not in the financial strains, Mark learned "Basic" rod making skills from Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, a Non-Profit organization that helps disabled veteran's cope with their war wounds. Well, Mark does not do anything basic, so, taking that knowledge, and applying the internet, as well as asking and watching over and learning from anyone who would let him, he finally took the step out on his own. Building unique fly rods for fishermen across the US, And as of late fall, he has been certified by Gary Loomis and North Fork Composites to represent and be one of their recommended builders. So when you are ready to have that next fly rod to stand out, be like no other, but you want it to fish as good as it looks, let us help you work your way through the maze of who, what and where is my rod being made, and we can guarantee that we can give that fly rod that that works and performs the way you want, and will turn the heads of everyone you fish with.

Only American Made, from the core.
All of our Flyrods are built on American made, Blanks, that are built in the US, by the American worker. We primarily use NorthFork Composites, Which is the company Gary Loomis started after leaving Shimano, and the G Loomis name behind. So all the bones of the rod you pick out are on an original Gary Loomis deigned blank, tested and built in his factory in Redmond Washington. Gary is known world wide as the godfather of Carbon Fishing rods by not inventing it, but by perfecting it, and he continues to set the standard to this day.